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James C. Hess

An explanation with regards to Rutt Bridges, please? How does raising funds for victims of a tsunami make one qualified to be governor of the State of Colorado? Or is this a direct take from the Bill Clinton playbook?

Alva Adams

Again, we're not debating the merits of who SHOULD be governor or who is better qualified to take the post. The Governor Line is about who has the best chance to win, and as we all know, winning and qualifications do not go hand-in-hand.

Rutt ingratiated himself to a large group of people last week who got together to raise a lot of money (many of whom might feel inclined to write him a check if he runs himself). This is an example of how Rutt is being proactive in raising his positive profile.

James C. Hess

That does not answer the question posed.

Alva Adams

I'm not sure what you're looking for in an answer, because nobody on this site has ever said raising money for Tsunami victims is even remotely related to being qualified to be Governor.

Politics and policy are not the same thing. Don't confuse the two.

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