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With respect to #7, how many lobbyists are on the floor at any given time? Or is it because they are targeting you specifically?



The lobbyists gather right outside the floor behind the glass doors. At any given time there is probably 20 - 50 lobbyists outside the door, sending cards, trying to pull legislators off of the floor. They are in relatively constant rotation so it is not always the same lobbyists out there. They are not targeting me specifically. They are targeting all of us. However, many of them were targeting my bills (to kill them) specifically because of the nature of what I introduced. Throughout the corridors of the entire capitol there are probably 50 - 300 lobbyists in the capitol on a given day. A very large number of these lobbyists represent the insurance industry, pharmaceuticals, commerce, for-profit health industry.

Ter Ducken

What sort of legislative plan of attack do you expect from Republicans in 2006. It seems to me that they played all defense this year and will need to at least try to pass something meaningful next year.

Thanks for making yourself available today.

Susan B

Are you still considering running for congress in 7 and was that ever a serious consideration for you? Thanks.


I understand that you are a trial lawyer that has represented worker's comp cases against employers and insurance companies. By pushing the worker's comp bills this session will this help or inhibit your trade outside of the capitol?


Ter Ducken:

I think their tactic in part can be to let us do the heavy lifting, and then merely add their names as sponsors to bills for which they would like to take political credit. I agree they will try to run some other "significant accomplishment". If they are smart, they will stay away from making that issue: the privitization of k-12, higher ed, gay marriage, or criminalizing abortion. They would do well (as would we) to revitalize some very good pieces of economic recovery legislation that died this session due to lack of funds. (e.g. investing in Colorado's tourism industry).


Susan B:

I am not running for CD 7. I WAS seriously considering it. Not so much because I felt was ready or that the timing was right for me personally but more because I felt there was no excuse for us not to win this seat. The only reason I was remotely tempted is because I feel that we are in one of the phases of history where moral intervention is needed -- now. I grew up in my family with the lessons of the Holocaust ever present and always wondered when I looked at some of the greatest atrocities of history -- "What were they thinking?" "Where was everybody?" We are now facing an outright attack on separation of church and state, secret trials, censorship of media, detaining people without trials or charges, preventative round-ups based on race, ethnicity and religion, blocking access to attorneys, unprecedented historic surveillance by the U.S. govt on our own citizens, attack on the 4th amendment, record deficit spending for wars on multiple fronts without any clear plan for how we "win", "draw" or "retreat". And lest it sound like I am bashing Republicans, I am MOST disappointed with the Dems in Congress who rolled. Ds and Rs went along with one of the most epic roll backs of American rights and liberties. In a race so clearly targeted, it is an unquestioned opportunity to share a message with the entire nation. I hope we do it.



Most of my clients don't actually pay any attention to what we do at the legislature. However, among my colleagues in similar practice, they will have an understanding of exactly what the problem is and why I am trying to address it. As a lawyer who represents ordinary people, it is tough to look someone in the eye and say "oh, I'm sorry there is nothing I can do for you because that's just the way the law is." People are often surprised by the rights they DON'T have. The legislators often don't have to face the human beings their policies hurt. I do. In one sense it would help my trade, because it would be nice for me as a lawyer for the little guy to have the tools once in awhile to help people (i.e.have some rights to enforce.)


if tabor reforms don't pass in november, what do you think you will do in the next session to address the budget? thank you


You have been pretty hard on lobbyists in the papers, do you expect to get any lobbyist support in your next campaign?


Do you favor giving in-state tuition or Colorado Drivers Licenses to illegal aliens?


1. You are the number one target of the Republicans -- as quoted here they are not going to run a menopausal Jesus Freak against you this time -- are you worried that your lefty rhetoric may not play so well against a real opponent?
2. Will you support Alice Madden if she challenges Andrew Romanoff for Speaker
3. Did Anne McGihon lie to the people of Colorado when she claimed that she mistakenly voted against your bill on worker's comp?
4. Is Anne McGihon not a liar and merely stupid or inattentive when taking care of the people's business?
You should run for Congress -- not gonna be any tougher than what you are gonna face for reeelction



If TABOR reform and Referenda C doesn't pass, I will have no choice but to be part of the necessary evil of joining the budget-chopping to state services. Because of our other constitutional budget constraints, higher ed closures and privatization would be inevitable, possible court closures, no transportation, no economic development investments, no building maintenance again. The only real policy choice we will be left with is to decide how much to cut from which services, who is in a relatively better position to absorb those cuts, and which cuts would effect other budget issues (like federal matching funds).


Representative Carroll-

Why do you think you recieved such widespread support for the 7th CD after only a few weeks under your belt in the legislature?

Has Romanoff recieved the credit he deserves this session?

Thanks for all of your hard work.

p.s. I hope the Republican party spends a heep load of money on you because it will be money they waste in a defeat!



I don't think I've been hard on the lobbyists. I have merely told the truth and been willing to discuss and expose to the public the role they play and how it works. If I review my prior campaign donation list, the overwhelming number of contributions came from private individuals who know me and are likely to help again. The groups that supported me previously are likely to do so again. However, there are some groups that did not support me before (because I was new and in an open seat or because I was a Democrat) that MIGHT have given to me for tactical reasons (i.e. I hold a seat) that will not contribute because I have not played by the usual rules. I can't know for sure until the next election, but if we all did whatever the lobbyists wanted for fear of losing money, we'd be completely beholden to them and never try anything that might incur their retribution and never get anything done. I guess it's a risk I am willing to take. It's a good question.


Your campaign material never mentioned that two of the first five bills that you introduced would be Workers Choice of Doctor legislation, and HOA legislation. Why did you not bring these up in your campaign that they were major issues of yours? Did your constituents drive this legislation? It appears to me that you have a personal agenda that you never told anyone about.



I, like many lawmakers, am still struggling with immigration policy. Clearly we do not want to create incentives for people to ignore our laws. Clearly, we have split families, where parents are illegal, children are U.S. citizens. These children are now "us" and part of our society and responsibility. Clearly, these folks are human beings who are generally just trying to improve their lot and take care of their families. Further, I think we have a heightened obligation in this national security climate to deal with the porousness of our borders and to KNOW who is in our country (driving "illegals" further underground could backfire). I also believe this country was founded on innovation, pioneers and immigrants. Some of the xenophobic rhetoric on immigration reforms makes me queasy. While we might be able to do a super border crack-down (and of course not all undocumented workers are coming from Mexico or Canada), I think we will deplete a ton of federal resources without making much head-way if we don't address the motivation and incentives in place to cross or stay illegally. We need to get to the underlying cause (i.e. employers who hire undocumented workers, the severe disparity between the economy of the 2 nations, the bureaucatic red tape that makes enforcement of our existing laws slow and ineffective).

I lean toward supporting driver's licenses because it provides a method of identifying, tracking people, and is used by employer's, law enforcement and others. We should just understand that mere possession of a driver's license does not provide proof of immigration status.

As for in-state tuition, I guess the answer to that depends on whether the REASON we give in-state tuition is because of citizenship or resident alien status or because of the assumption that in-state residents have contributed to the tax-base and therefore should catch a break on in-state tuition at a public university. (Many undocumented folks are paying taxes).

Until we find the right solutions to this the states and feds might both be smart to figure out how we can at least ensure we are capturing associated tax revenues (we know we are from sales, gas, sin taxes) but perhaps not from income taxes. Providing some public services to people who are paying for them might be less objectionable to some. In the meantime, it is really the job of the I.N.S. to figure out how to enforce our current laws. I would like to hear from them as to what they think they need and why.


Morgan - who will you support in the CD7 race?



I think running a moderate Republican candidate against me would definitely give me a more difficult race. (My opponent last time was actually relatively moderate). I have always been plain-spoken and rather direct and "political advisors" have always worried that might hurt me. But I was that same person when campaigning in 2004 in a 52% Republican performing district last cycle and it didn't stop me from taking 55% of the vote in my first-ever election. My personality is not new, and my approach did not hurt me with the voters, because at least they knew where I stood, they respected my passion and knew that I wasn't fake.

I support both Alice Madden and Andrew Romanoff and hadn't really thought about splitting them or that they might run for different leadership positions. Sounds like a political Hobson's choice, to me.

It never occurred to me to question Rep. McGihon about the mistaken vote.

The Congressional candidates we have now for CD 7 are coming in better-known, and better-funded. I was willing to take this on (Beauprez or not) if we needed a candidate. Looks to me like we're covered.


Your response to the in-state tuition question seems slippery. I can pay income, sales and property taxes in multiple states, but not be able to take advantage of their in-state tuition, because I'm not a resident.

If you believe that someone is a "resident" whether they are here legally or not, that's fine.

I can choose to not carry auto insurance but still be a "driver". However, I suspect that the State of Colorado would frown on granting me any favors underwritten by the taxpayers.

Did you, or will you support Rep. Vigil's bill on in-state tuition for illegals?



I am not really sure why I got so much attention on the possibility of a CD 7 run. In most respects, I would be a very unexpected candidate. I was actually approached to run for that seat by several people (including some trips from DC by Emily's List) before I even won the HD 36 house seat. I think the fact that I live in the district, am an obsessive workaholic, and willing to fight may have played into it.

I don't think Speaker Romanoff has gotten the credit he deserves. The position did not come with a manual and we really did not have the luxury of anticipation to prepare for our new role. Under his leadership, we did achieve results on the single most important issue facing the state. Education fared very well.

I think the Republicans have enough races to worry about holding, let alone taking, my race and my seat would be a poor tactical move. No matter how much some may dislike me, I don't think they are stupid in how they spend their money.


So, if Anne McGihon did not lie --
How can we tolerate an elected official who is so inattentive on such a critical vote?
You mock Republicans by questioning their intellect how can you be a hypocrite and defend McGihon -- you want to take the party in a progressive direction -- how do you do so by allowing someone to either lie or be ignorant with nary a word of complaint?



I didn't know what my first five bills were going to be when I was campaigning so I didn't list them. In fact I didn't even know that our deadline to introduce our 1st 5 bills would be BEFORE session even started. The HOAs were a surprise. I didn't campaign on it because I was unaware that there was a problem and the nature and extent of that problem until I had the vantage point of having walked (and learned) from the whole district.

I campaigned on health care and insurance reform. I ran bills on health care and insurance reform. No secret there.

Colorado's workers comp medical delivery system is the worst medical care in the state. (Ask anyone who's had to go through it). The only people who don't think there is a problem are people who have not had to live through it. Nowhere else do you have a state-mandated, no free-market choice monopoly coercing patients into the office of a biased insurance doc with total control over your job, your body, your treatment, your recovery or lack thereof... Even under auto, private health, Medicaid, sliding scale clinic a patient has some right to some say in who treats them. A doctor under this system has no accountability to their own patient, but rather a direct financial incentive to suck up the insurance company that selected them so they can continue to receive lucrative insurance contract benefits for their non-treatment of patients. Real people in the real working world are needlessly hurt.

I will tell anyone about my "agenda" anytime they want to know. Secrecy is not my style.



I didn't know what my first five bills were going to be when I was campaigning so I didn't list them. In fact I didn't even know that our deadline to introduce our 1st 5 bills would be BEFORE session even started. The HOAs were a surprise. I didn't campaign on it because I was unaware that there was a problem and the nature and extent of that problem until I had the vantage point of having walked (and learned) from the whole district.

I campaigned on health care and insurance reform. I ran bills on health care and insurance reform. No secret there.

Colorado's workers comp medical delivery system is the worst medical care in the state. (Ask anyone who's had to go through it). The only people who don't think there is a problem are people who have not had to live through it. Nowhere else do you have a state-mandated, no free-market choice monopoly coercing patients into the office of a biased insurance doc with total control over your job, your body, your treatment, your recovery or lack thereof... Even under auto, private health, Medicaid, sliding scale clinic a patient has some right to some say in who treats them. A doctor under this system has no accountability to their own patient, but rather a direct financial incentive to suck up the insurance company that selected them so they can continue to receive lucrative insurance contract benefits for their non-treatment of patients. Real people in the real working world are needlessly hurt.

I will tell anyone about my "agenda" anytime they want to know. Secrecy is not my style.



I do not know yet.

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