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Ter Ducken

Wow. When a guy who lost his leadership position in the Senate because he made racist comments calls you "un-Christian," that's not good.


Wow. Never thought I'd say this, but Trent Lott is right.


Well, they brokered a deal for the filibuster, so this will start back up again in summer - blah.

I actually find one FOF thing entertaining - Breakaway. It is a magazine for teenage guys that talks about lust as "a monster" and there was some section where they had these quotes from girls about finding guys who study the Bible attractive.

arnold richards

To Peterco,
So what is your point? Do you subscribe? Or is there something fundamentally wrong with that point of view?


MAHER: And finally, New Rule: Abstinence pledges make you horny. In a setback for the morals/values crowd, a new eight-year study just released reveals that American teenagers who take virginity pledges wind up with just as many STD's as the other kids. But that's not all. "Taking the pledge" also makes a teenage girl six times more likely to perform oral sex, and four times more likely to allow anal. Which leads me to an important question: where were these pledges when I was in high school?

So, seriously, when I was a teenager, the only kids having anal intercourse, were the ones who missed. My idea of lubrication was oiling my bike chain. If I had known I could have been getting porn-star sex the same year I took Algebra 2 - simply by joining up with the Christian right - I'd have been so down with Jesus, they would have had to pry me out of the pew.

And, let me tell you, there is a lot worse things than teenagers having sex. Namely, teenagers not having sex. Here is something you'll never hear: "That suicide bomber blew himself up because he was having too much sex. Sex, sex, sex, nonstop, all that crazy Arab ever had was sex, and look what happened." But among the puritans here of the 21st century, the less said to kids about sex, the better. Because people who talk about peepees are "potty-mouths."

And so, armed with limited knowledge and believing that regular, vaginal intercourse to be either immaculate or filthy dirty - these kids did with their pledge what everybody does with contracts. They found loopholes. Two of them, to be exact.

Is there any greater irony than the fact that the Christian right actually got their precious little adolescent daughters to say to their freshly-scrubbed boyfriends, "Please, I want to remain pure for my wedding night, so only in the ass... And then I'll blow you, I promise." Well, at least these kids are really thinking outside the box.


My roommate got it when I was in college.

Read the letters and you can see why. They usually have one that is some kid who is destroying their self-esteem because they keep doing something "God doesn't want them to" and just feel awful about it. Then there are others who ask questions on whether stuff in allowed or disallowed from the bible. And the God saved my life ones. It is like People - something that entertains, but an evangelical probably would have a different opinion.

The letters is similar to Al-sistani website, where he answers questions based on Islamic teaching. Those are also entertaining to read.

Arnold Richards

To Peterco,

Do you think it is a harmful stand. How do they answer the letters? Do you think they are off-base or helpful?


How come when Ken Salazar called Dobson un-Christian, all you conservatives went ballistic. But when Republican Trent Lott does it, you all shut up and ignore it. A little hypocritical, don't you think?

Or are you just finally starting to realize that maybe Dobson is more looney tunes than you thought?

Arnold Richards

Hey Susan B.

I don't know why others are not blogging about Lott's comments. Maybe not because Dobson is "looney tunes" as you say, perhaps it is because Lott is irrelevant and ineffective- so it really doesn't matter. I have a question for you- What is crazy about Dr. Dobson? I've read more and heard more mis-information and attacks on him personally than any time I can remember. All he is doing is voicing biblical values in the public square and instead of debating it or even discussing it the leftists are reverting to name calling and glossing over the moral ramifications "progressives" are trying to put forth. If that's "looney tunes", then I'll take the looney farm over the psuedo "intellectual politically correct" anyday.


Who's Trent Lott? I think I heard of him once. He can't be a very nice man, if he had poor things to say about Dr. Dobson...

Oh, now I remember him. Yes, he was the GOP leader the GOP base couldn't stand (and was happy to see go) because of his glad-handing in DC. Unlike DeLay, who is a leader, and who is reviled by the left for his clear stance on loral issues (like killing babies and embryos).

Look up irrelevant in Webster's and you'll see Lott. That's why libs like him more than DeLay, Dobson, Bush, et al.

Another irrelevant figure is Bill Maher. It's easy and gutless to be a cynic. He is a pig, and if he wants to pick on kids who believe in GOd, let him. He and the swarms of chattering idiots on the left had no effect on the last election.

Ultimately, the GOP will win the filibuster issue, and we'll have another Scalia and Thomas on the Supreme Court bench.

Right on, Arnold!


Dobson does not debate as you call it. There are people out there who believe what they believe and push it on others. That is Dobson. If someone wants to get their point, religion, political view across, etc. they need to listen and understand the other side. Dobson doesn't do that he preaches and preaches and preaches never really listening. As a Christian I am disappointed at those who go out there and preach. That's not what religion is about. Dobson is not a bad person he just doesn't understand. This is the 20th century and your not going to get people to listen if your not listening in turn. He needs to accept that not everyone is going to accept his religion and instead of pushing it on other people he should try to make his followers stronger and more worthy of being Christian. Faith these days doesn't mean as much as it used to and very few people out there follow the Ten Commandments or any other biblical policies. Dobson steps over the line much too often, for someone who can't even keep his own people in line.

Hugo O'conor

It could be because Salazar called Dobson the anti-christ and Lott called him unchristian. Similar words but vastly different in meaning and sentiment.

Arnold Richards

Dobson does not debate as you call it.

He is- indeed the lone voice of the debate! The most visible anyway.

There are people out there who believe what they believe and push it on others. That is Dobson.

He is a champion of the family- with a right and credentials to speak out on it. He is courageous, and isn't motivated by fame or fortune.

How and who is he "forcing" his viewpoint to? Does he yield so much power that he is calling the shots with a gun to anyones head? Of course not! Isn't what he says a philosophy that is relevant for all time? He is sought after as a spokesman for the family- he doesn't force himself on the media or the world. Yes, he has a radio program that reaches across the globe, but if he forced his opinion on evreyone- he would just fade away. He is a general in the culture war and the only thing people who don't agree with him is ridicule his beliefs.

If someone wants to get their point, religion, political view across, etc. they need to listen and understand the other side.

Have you ever read Dobson? His footnotes alone will tell you that he reads and listens to everybody. He is meticulous in fact, biblical intrepation delivered in context, and psychology (his degrees aren't honarary he's earned them). I never have seen anyone take the burden of fairness as far as Dr. Dobson and who sees the pain of our culture and continues to minister to families.

Dobson doesn't do that he preaches and preaches and preaches never really listening. As a Christian I am disappointed at those who go out there and preach. That's not what religion is about.

RFK said it so well- "He sees wrong and tries to right it." There are some black and white areas that need to be presented. Not preached but put forth. Life Issues are a no- compromise, marriage and family, are all issues he puts out a thesis on. A good debater makes concessions. I've read, listened, and learned from Dobson. He is a champion who isn't afraid of getting his nose bloodied. Who else is out there defending what is right?

Dobson is not a bad person he just doesn't understand. This is the 20th century (oops- caught in the 60's?) and your not going to get people to listen if your not listening in turn. (Evidently you are listening to him, others are or he would have 0 stations). He needs to accept that not everyone is going to accept his religion (what is his "religion"?) and instead of pushing it on other people he should try to make his followers stronger (no-one follows Dobson- many stand beside him. They follow Christ and are obedient to HIS call). and more worthy of being Christian.(How do you define being a Christian?) Faith these days doesn't mean as much as it used to and very few people out there follow the Ten Commandments (You mean they are out there killing and cheating, and swearing?) or any other biblical policies.(Exactly. Most of us are Bible illiterate, even though it is the best selling book of all time). However-our current laws are in direct respect with the Ten Commandments) Dobson steps over the line much too often, for someone who can't even keep his own people in line.
(who are his people? What are you talking about "he can't keep them in line?")

Just some answers



Jimminy Crickets some people really take things to heart. I am not going to address every comment you made because I have actual work to do.

I am simply saying that Dobson does push his beliefs on others. He doesn't go out on the street and yell or preach. He does however, come off as hostile. People who do not believe the way he does are wrong and evil etc. That is no way to treat people. He is not a good listener. He is meticulous in proving to people that there is only one right way when that is completely not true.

Dobson is not a bad person he just doesn't understand. This is the 20th century (oops- caught in the 60's?) ---- First, I am considerably younger than most of you and didn't experience the 60's or the 70's so no I am not stuck in them. I was raised to believe that there are two sides to everything, there is no right or wrong when it comes to religion, just your personal belief system. In my view (again this is my opinon) Dobson is stuck in the 60's thinking that he's right and everyone else is a heathen.

who are his people? What are you talking about "he can't keep them in line?")---- By his people I mean the Chrisitians he represents those of Colorado Springs... Colorado.. or those in the United States who follow him. He preaches to those who don't believe in the same religous practices, he fights against gay rights, abortion etc. yet he can't get his own people (as I call them) to be good Christians. I could start naming off people in these areas who follow Dobson and who he preaches to yet they have broken nearly every commandment. I think those who say they believe or whatever need to be worked on first. Again my personal beliefs. If you need more clarification please ask.


Arnold Richards

Does he or does he not have a right to his opinion. He isn't a preacher- he's a psychologist and author. People listen to his radio program, they buy his books. People raise their children on the Biblical principles he writes about. He isn't a representative, pastor, or guru- he's just a voice of reason. He isn't teliing anyone they have to be Christian. He supports life issues, and he supports marriage as being between one man and one woman. We need that voice to keep on resounding truth in a world full of gray matter. There is a right and a wrong on most issues and we need someone who will go to the mat for the unborn and help families. He is coming from a Christian Worldview- while your's as far as I can tell, is smack dab in the middle of a Relativism. Your charges of "his people" in Colorado Springs are as if there is some kind of weird cult drinking kool-aid and singing Kumbya. I read your view and find that you are intollerant of people who don't think like you. You believe there is gray area in belief and the issues. Dobson is dogmatic about the things he believes. He knows where he stands and he does a good job at articulating it. Have you ever heard Dr. Dobson speak, or read a complete book that he's written, or tuned into his radio show? Millions of people have and do and they have for over 25 years. Are all those people misled or intollerant? Or is there some truth and prophetic nature to what this man has to say? I know he is asked to represent his view as an expert on shows like "Meet the Press", "Larry King Live", and other news shows- but he is invited to be interviewed. When you ask for a Psychologist and Author to speak his point of view- if he rode the Gray Area Express as if he didn't really know what he thought, as you say, then he'd become media prey- and no one would listen.

Susan B

Dobson doesn't push his beliefs? Look back at this post that linked to an LA Times article where he clearly discusses trying to bend judges to his will:


I respect your loyalty and appreciation for Dobson, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but he is what he is. Don't try to tell me the kettle isn't black.

Susan B

That didn't work. Try the link this way:


Phoenix Rising

Arnold, your post is disingenuous; while Dr. Dobson may be a Psychologist, he comes on his radio show to preach, not to dispense psychology. Sure, he's taken the appropriate steps to seperate his ministerial activities from his political action, but to say that his radio program isn't just as much a religious show as Pat Robertson's or anyone else's is ridiculous.

Dr. Dobson and his followers have every right to free speech, but there's a difference between free speech and coercion, and it seems apparent to me that there's more than a little coercion going on in the Republican Party lately. And the attacks Dr. Dobson, FotF, and the FRC have recently originated are un-Christian at best.

You ask if millions of Dr. Dobson's followers are misled or intolerant: the answer is "yes", IMNSHO. With war an everyday possibility, the death penalty used more and more frequently, and poverty once again a growing concern here at home, how does a Christian with a following and budget as large as Dobson's simply traipse on through life focusing on social issues that Jesus never even addressed?

You want to define Christian? Well, start by reading the Gospels. You think Dobson resonates truth? Tell me how homosexuals and homosexual unions harm families for starters...

I'm going to be blunt here and be the light on the hill for you, Arnold: you sound exactly like someone who's gone through a cult brainwashing.

Arnold Richards

It sounds as though you never have listened to Focus on the Family. The LA times is hardly a source I would trust. Coersion? Free speech is more like it. Radical and activist judges who legislate rather than judge is more in order. The Bible and the Gospels talk about sin and that no sin is worse than another. But it is still sin. Dobson is just stating facts and should be able to do that in America.

Arnold Richards

Arnold, your post is disingenuous; while Dr. Dobson may be a Psychologist, he comes on his radio show to preach, not to dispense psychology.

In 25 years there have been a handful of political shows- (once a month on issues that affect families and a call to action as Salazar found out). Most of the shows are about marriage and family life.

Sure, he's taken the appropriate steps to seperate his ministerial activities from his political action, but to say that his radio program isn't just as much a religious show as Pat Robertson's or anyone else's is ridiculous.

Have you listened to the program? It isn't even close to the tenor of a Pat Robertson program.

Dr. Dobson and his followers have every right to free speech, but there's a difference between free speech and coercion, and it seems apparent to me that there's more than a little coercion going on in the Republican Party lately. And the attacks Dr. Dobson, FotF, and the FRC have recently originated are un-Christian at best.

Un Christian to say that there "Marriage should be between one man and a woman"? That life is sacred? Is that un Christian? Or is the Bible saying something else about these issues. Judicial Activisim is a big deal, and telling your Senators and Reps is the American way. Just like left wing lobbyists do for the opposite causes. That isn't coersion. That's America. That's why we elect people and hopefully they listen.

You ask if millions of Dr. Dobson's followers are misled or intolerant: the answer is "yes", IMNSHO. With war an everyday possibility, the death penalty used more and more frequently, and poverty once again a growing concern here at home, how does a Christian with a following and budget as large as Dobson's simply traipse on through life focusing on social issues that Jesus never even addressed?

He didn't address these issues? How big is the budget? Do you have any idea? Not a clue my friend- that money is given by sacrificial giving by Focus on the Family constituents- who ask for Focus to fight for the Family. These aren't some little social issues my blunt little friend- these are issues that affect who's going to win the culture war so our kids won't be left in a world where the culture of death and immorality is the norm. Can't you see what is happening here? You can call me brainwashed all you want but you are one who is being decieved by social agendas that are perverted and wrong. And that's what Dr. Dobson is talking about.

You want to define Christian? (I haven't but I could.) Well, start by reading the Gospels. (Good deal, I read them all the time) You think Dobson resonates truth? Tell me how homosexuals and homosexual unions harm families for starters...

Good place to start. "A man shall leave his mother, a woman leave her home, they shall travel on to where the two shall be as one." Biblically speaking it is a sacred union between one man and one woman. Homosexual lifestyle is a sin as fornication, addictions, and many other sins. we are all sinful people and as you tell me to read the gospels- I know that I am a sinner saved by the grace of Christ who died on a cross for me- and you. (That's the Gospel). When we accept homsexuality as a viable lifestyle, we are not doing the homosexual or anyone else a favor by enabling it, or blessing it. You notice I am not talking about the person. I'm talking mainly about the act, the lifestyle, the sin. Placing sexual preference as a civil right is also wrong. Again we have two different worldviews that are competing for the minds and hearts of our children. That's it for starters.

I'm going to be blunt here and be the light on the hill for you, Arnold: you sound exactly like someone who's gone through a cult brainwashing.

You are right -The cult brainwashing is called: The Christian Worldview.

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