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Bob Jennings

The Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad is a state-owned (with New Mexico) tourist railroad in southern Colorado. At the present time it is run by a group out of Albuquerque. They will be requesting over Four Million dollars from Colorado this coming fiscal year-most of it will be spent in New Mexico--and will not contribute to the welfare of the citizens of Colorado. Where do you stand on this waste of Colorado tax dollars?


jennings - the BB Q&A answers were posted about 3 weeks ago. welcome to the party. ;-)

Trent Rock

"and will not contribute to the welfare of the citizens of Colorado"
Says who?
This Jennings chump?

Paul Uhland

Jennings, who claims he is/was a major rail executive of some sort, continually injects himself into the affairs of the C&STSRR. He has a very twisted and distant grasp of any of the RR's issues and usually speaks nonsense. He apparently posts his gibberish from a public library computer in Denver.

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